
Physiotherapy is a physical treatment of injuries, pains, muscle fractures and illness of the body without the use of medicines or drugs. It helps the patient to recover naturally and efficiently by the physical therapies. The Best Physio Care Centre in Tamilnadu can be found in Madurai at Meegan Physio, where each problem is dealt by expert Physical Therapists. At our Center, Physiotherapists help people to restart their work life by restoring their strength and functioning of the body and helps manage problems like pain, immobility etc. through physical exercises, massages and acupuncture.

Meegan Physical Therapy Center helps to cure back pain and sudden injuries like twists and sprains in a sporting event, chronic disorders, arthritis, stroke ,women’s health, wound care, neurological rehabilitation etc., through physical interventions. Meegan specializes in Orthopedic , Neurological, Sports Injury Care , Massage Therapy and Home Care

The benefits of physiotherapy are very vast .It reduces or even eliminates pain, and restores muscle. It solves the problem from its roots and hence prevents the pain from returning. It prevents the use of surgery by healing the injuries. It helps the patient to be independent and do his/her task normally. It manages heart and lungs problem of the body and even promotes good health in women.

Our Departments

Pain Management

Physiotherapy treatment to relieve your pain may include soft tissues massage and stretching to relieve tension and spasm, joint mobilisations, acupuncture, electrotherapy, corrective exercise, posture awareness, and advice on how to overcome pain in your daily activities. We will also help you to understand the cause of your pain.

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Muscle Strengtheing

The difficulty of applying the Oxford Scale to all patient's in clinical practice (so that strength is rarely assessed throughout the full range as many patients assessed by physiotherapists do not possess full range due to their respective pathology). Due to these shortcomings, physiotherapists commonly use modified versions of the Oxford scale in clinical practice.

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Accident/Injury Recovery

Physical therapists are musculoskeletal experts and may help cure the underlying musculoskeletal injuries that may have occurred after meeting with a car accident. At Triangle Physiotherapy, our Physical Therapists will assure a one-to-one session where they will conduct an extensive whole-body analysis with a target of developing a customized treatment and detailed physical therapy programs which suit best to your condition and individual needs.

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Attaining Healthy Ageing

The nature of physiotherapy means that assessment and treatment tend to focus on the physical nature of a person's condition. For older adults, the physical tasks of daily life are an important starting point for treatments. Intervention should include (re)assessment of a person's abilities and difficulties in performing functional tasks such as transfers on/off a chair or the bed and general mobility.

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Women Wellness

Physical therapists are musculoskeletal experts and may help cure the underlying musculoskeletal injuries that may have occurred after meeting with a car accident. At Triangle Physiotherapy, our Physical Therapists will assure a one-to-one session where they will conduct an extensive whole-body analysis with a target of developing a customized treatment and detailed physical therapy programs which suit best to your condition and individual needs.

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Ergonomics Assessment and Correction

An ergonomic assessment is an assessment of a person’s working environment, ensuring it is fit for use. Ergonomic assessments are done by qualified professionals.Physiotherapists are ideal professionals to conduct an ergonomic assessment, as they have the knowledge of the biomechanical functions of the body and the effect different stresses can have on it.

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Pulmonary Hygiene & Rehabiliation

It is different from bronchial hygiene therapy (BHT) in that BHT incorporates chest physiotherapy along with breathing exercises and manual hyperventilation in an intubated patient. Bronchial hygiene involves the use of noninvasive airway clearance techniques designed to help mobilize and remove secretions and improve gas exchange.

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